Chile is playing in the World cup and well I am a fan of soccer thanks to my DAD (love you daddy HAPPY FATHER"S DAY to you and all the fathers!) I love the USA but I am in Chile so I want them to win. Below you will see why Chile is the place to be for the World CUP!
The first game victory against Honduras 1-0. I saw it on TV but I was in the country so I did not get to see what you will see below.
Every Household has their flags ready before the second game against Swisa.
After the victory everyone outside was cheering!
On their balconies....
On the streets...
Blocking the streets....
Even the students after class oh wait I think school was canceled!
On the plaza at Vina, waving the flag!
Even the colectivos (taxis)...
Can you see the SPIRIT in this country because I can!
So we have won two games but here in Chile its seems like we have won the CUP, I am ready for the next game getting my red jersey to really look like a chilena!
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