Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Primer Fin de Semana en Vina del Mar, Chile

I made it to Chile but had no means of communication all weekend due to technical difficulties (gotta love the Wi-Fi here in Chile...not!). The flight was dreadful but exciting. It started with a long delay in Houston and a seat confusion but God managed to work things out and placed me next to a missionary group (great group of people they made the four and a half hours go by fast). I then had a connecting flight from Panama to Chile since I was running late I had to sprint across the airport and pray that the plane wouldn't leave me, I made it but did not have time to get my carry-on which for some weird reason was taken from me in Houston. The five hours on the plane to Chile I sat next to a really nice Chilena with her kids and she let me know the ins and outs of Vina and Valpo, where to go buy certain things and even her contact information just in case I needed anything. Was not able to sleep much due to children playing and flight attendants feeding me at night?! (weird)

I arrived in Santiago only to realize I had a missing bag and nobody waiting for me. I was heading to the phone lines when I saw a man holding a sign with Senorita Jessica Rivas on it, yes I ran to him and almost hugged him. He told me they had given him the wrong flight information and had gone to sleep but since it was too cold he decided to stand and hope I would show up. I was on my way to Vina which would be an hour and a half long and was told bag should arrive later for sure Sunday if not Monday.

I was taken to my house where I met my roommates Cory who was on his way to his internship (dealing with animals/food) which is almost an hour away from where we live, Kristy who woke up just a few minutes later upon my arrival and told me the low down on things-she is currently chillin her internship in marketing starts until Tuesday and Christine who was getting ready to leave for her internship in Valpo with an Art Director.

The weekend was great I bought groceries, a cell phone to talk to my peeps here, went to a huge mall that looks like the Galleria in the Houston, ate a burger con palta which is avocado new word!, took a nice walk along the beach, and most importantly felt the earth move for less than 3 seconds. The tremor was 4.6, at 9pm and we felt it in --the couch moved!




Versiculos en las rocas de la playa en Vina del Mar

Gente en la Playa

We need these signs!

El Mall de Vina

Cerros in Vina del Mar

Playa en Vina del Mar


  1. Yeah... something like that WOULD happen to you... Hahahahaaha! Sounds really exciting! Glad to know you're safe! Keep us posted! :D

  2. Que bueno q estes bien :) Sigue escribiendo!! :) besotes!! :)

  3. Yay for the bicycle sign!
