Saturday, June 5, 2010

Summer 2010

I am sure you are wondering a few questions:

--What in Chile? This summer I will be in Chile interning in a University and working with an Institute on Renewable ENERGY!

--Why in Chile? I felt I needed to leave the country to experience something different. I did not care where in the world but did want to go to Europe but with all the chaos over there Latin America was a better option and Chile offered me the choice I wanted.

--Where in Chile? I will be living in Vina del Mar literally five minutes away from the coast and working in Valparaiso which is about half an hour from where I live.

--With who in Chile? I am working with a program that coordinates everything and I am going to be living with either three or four other American students.

--When in Chile? I start June 7th and end July 31st but will be there a few days before to get acquainted and stay later to explore South America.

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